bungou love letters

the lovemail and postal service of bungou stray dogs - @lovefrombsd




click kenji for information on each section!

how do you submit letters?

the process:

  • sender can be anonymous, with your name and/or @, or a bsd character!

  • if your @ is invalid, we will send it as anon

  • even if you're sending a letter anonymously, it's highly suggested that you include your @ so we can dm you in case something goes wrong. this isn't necessary as we understand you can be uncomfortable but it makes the process so much easier for us + guarantees more letters get sent properly

  • you can send a letter to one or more people but make sure their @ are valid, or we won't send it!

  • send as much as you want: just text, video links, songs, anything you want!

  • if you're adding an image, put your @ on the form and dm us ASAP w ur image, or just give us a general description/link/idea to use!

  • we're open to any specifications (i.e. unique format or dm'd to receiver instead) so don't be afraid to ask!

  • scheduled letters must be send 24 hrs before, including the time, date, and TIMEZONE (i.e. August 22nd, 3pm EST)

  • other languages ok, but we might make mistakes while sending them!

general info about submissions

  • please do not send the same submission more than once and allow at least 24 hrs before asking for updates (dm/cc) from the admins!

  • anything hateful, or triggering will not be published as a joke or otherwise; we're pretty lenient but keep your jokes light, please (or include a /j)

  • if we receive 15 or more submissions at once we will close the form until we catch up, so please be patient!

  • wondering if your letter has sent? search up "@lovefrombsd @(the username of the letter you sent) “ in the twitter search box. if it's been posted, it should show up!

sample letter:

♫ sent by: chuuya nakahara
♫ to: @lovefrombsd
I love you dumbass </3
[picture if provided]

what if you just need a little love yourself?

  • sometimes we just need to treat ourselves! if you would like, please @ us on twitter with a request for pictures of food, cute animals, bsd characters, whatever! the admins will get back to you with what you desire as soon as possible!

  • you can also ask us through curious cat or dms for love - these will not be treated as letters and will instead just be individual gifts!

  • and of course - you can always send yourself a letter!

  • PLEASE NOTE: most of the self-comfort service has been transferred to @bungoustraylove, which is the comfort rp sister account of this one, so please send that acc lots of requests too!

character submissions

  • you can send a character a letter, if you would like! we'll tweet it and qrt with our response (as the character) or our sister account, @bungoustraylove, will qrt with a reponse in-character. rp accs are also free to reply!

  • we're also willing to take letters addressed from characters to their stans (i.e. from chuuya to all chuuya stans) just as a way of spreading lots of love!

sample self-service

@lovefrombsd can you send me some bunny pictures, please?
↳ of course! here are some bunnies from kenji's farm [pictures]

what is curious cat and direct messaging for?

  • our cc is for questions, words of praise, and everything in between!

  • it is also used for withdrawing submissions! if you write a letter that you want to withdraw before it's published, please cc us with your @ on twitter and then dm us so we can get to you ASAP!

  • individual questions on the status/updates of letters will not be published on twitter

  • we will also use cc to ask you all questions (i.e. for event ideas)

  • you can also cc us for encouragement, advice, whatever, and we'll drop it in the ask and post it on twitter for pictures and more <3 (part of our self-gifting service!)

twitter dms

  • twitter dms are mainly going to be for: sending us picture/images if you requested a specific one in your form, or for the process of withdrawing submissions as mentioned in the cc section

  • if you have very unique specifications for your letter please say so in your form and then dm us immediately!

  • we are open to individually dm'ing letters to receivers if you are more comfortable with that, along with sending people words of encouragement/love in your stead!

  • our dms are also open if you need any love or even if you just want to have a casual conversation! we love and care about every single one of you so never hesitate to drop into our dms for anything!

who are the admins for @lovefrombsd?

admin 🌱

  • goes by lots of names - just ali is okay

  • also goes by plant/leaf admin

  • they/ae/lu

  • pacific standard time

  • english & some chinese

  • main twt: @mlkac0re

  • admin of @bungoustraylove

admin 🧃

  • leo

  • also goes by juicebox admin

  • he/they

  • british standard time

  • english, latvian & some russian

  • main twt: @xlngqiubf

  • joint admin announcements will be marked with "plant/leaf juice" or both emojis

  • neither admins are comfortable with NSFW (18+, gore, etc) or serious role-playing so please refrain from those!

  • please be patient abt submissions, we're human too and this is not a bot-run account!

  • we may sometimes comment as the bsd characters but not as an invitation for role-play

  • both admins love meeting new people so please feel free to dm us on @lovefrombsd or our mains if you need help or a supporting hand or even just for nonsensical conversation!

  • please feel free to follow @bsdplaylist, as well, an adorable playlist acc made by one of our dear friends!

click on the right arrow for final goodbyes..

thanks for checking in!

thank you for taking your time to look through this carrd! we hope that @lovefrombsd will be a safe space for you, and that you will continue to help us distribute love and encouragement! you are welcome and cared for here 💚

also - support our sister account, @bungoustraylove! this is a rp love account where you can interact with multiple bsd characters <3 below are their links! we hope that both of these accounts will become places of comfort for you!